
500+ Partners of the New European Bauhaus – Reopening of the application to register Partners.

Over 500 New Bauhaus European Partners.

Dear community members.

The European Commission has just confirmed that the New European Bauhaus community has surpassed 500 official Partners at the end of July.

This large number of Official Partners, together with the Friends of the New European Bauhaus, the winners of the New European Bauhaus Awards and the finalists of the New European Bauhaus Awards brings the total number of community members to more than 650.

The New European Bauhaus community and the European Commission have expressed their appreciation, admiration, gratitude and thanks to all these members for their collaboration in the development of the New European Bauhaus initiative.

Reopening of NEB Partner systems from September 1.

After being closed for the whole summer, the call for new New European Bauhaus Partners will reopen from September 1 onwards.

Despite being closed during this time, the application continues to function in the same way. Non-profit organizations can become Partners of the New European Bauhaus, while for-profit organizations can join the New European Bauhaus as Friends of the New European Bauhaus.

If you have any questions, the team of community managers of the New European Bauhaus will work to solve them.