The Festival what will celebrate in Brussels between 9-12 June has as protagonist the New European Bauhaus initiative. This initiative was presented in september 2020 by the president of European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, as an accion to improve the citizens life. This look up to put the culture in the heart of Europe, to make sense of the european politics, promoting the searching and the promotion of connection elements between european citizens. For this, New European Bauhaus has three pillars: inclusion, sustainability and aesthetic.
From the European Commission, and with de objective of involve all citizens in this initiative, has been organised the New European Bauhaus Festival. In the days when the festival Works, is going to be three main activities:
- The Forum, with debates about the three pillars of New European Bauhaus.
- The Fair, where there going to be exhibitions to show projects defined in the New European Bauhaus.
- The Festival, with a programme of actions in the main places of the Festival and Brussels.
Inside of the Festival, Spain will have representation with a exhibitions, workshops and conferences with the name “New European Bauhaus. A vision from Spain”. In this exhibition will show the nine winner projects in the New European Bauhaus Awards in 2021.
Furthermore, the redaction of Law on High Quality of Architecture, entirely line up with the New European Bauhaus philosofy, makes Spain search in this event new projects of other participants countries to line up with them.
The location of the spanish exposition is Gare Maritime Unit. 01 Mod. 08., between 9-12 June, from 10:30 to 18:30.