This network and research group in the UPC starts 30 years ago and has directed since then more than 120 PhD Dissertations mostly architects but also anthropologists and art historians.It has focused its attention in the three main domains described above, that is,first architectural education in children, in the schools of architecture and at the level of criticism of the production of professional studios.Second the urban heritage and their impacts upon the quality of urban design and landscape qualitity and third the theories and practices in the design studies in order to improve their cultural fundations, a lot of times far from the unievrsuty research work. As a consequnce of these three simultaneous dimensions we can clarify the important heritage of the Bauhaus as a interdisciplianry and interartistic heriatge,linked to architecture but not to the usual way of considering architechture in limited professional terms far from cultural innovations outside architecture in itself.In a similar way the environmental design dimensions related to climate changes can be clarified since the historical urban forms were ,and are, a good start point in order to arrive to an equilibrium between science and art in our cities,were art,science and politics are always linked.
GIRAS Arquitectonics Network UPC.
Architecture as is a key dimension of education, in general terms forgotten, if we compare it to verbal lenguaje and mathematics. Our group want to convince architects, politicians and educators of this fundamntal spatial dimension of social cultural interactions with some activities oriented in this direction.
Key activities:
We have an international magazine ARQUITECTONICS MIND LAND AND SOCIETY with 32 volumes already published since 2001 until today( Iniciativa Digital Politecnica) We organize each year an international conference (GIRAS-UPC GROUP)This year the 20th conference will be in Barcelona the 1,2 and 3 of june 2022 (see web We have a data-base of 1000 medieval urban villages in Catalonia in the National Archive of Catalonia in order to help a sustainable and human urban planning process.