The ARKRIT Research Group is dedicated to the development of architectural criticism understood as the methodological foundation of the project. The critical exercise constitutes the main manager of the project action to the point that criticism can be identified with the project. If it is considered that the object of criticism is not the value judgment but the study of the conditions of each work, in relation to other works of architecture, in relation to other fields of knowledge and in relation to other possible alternative theories, we can obtain from it a final flexible and open image that allows both its truthful understanding and the opening to new paths in the course of architecture. The ARKRIT Research Group was established in 2008 under the direction of the Professor of Architectural Projects Mr. Antonio Miranda Regojo-Borges and, in addition to research projects, among the group’s activities is the direction of doctoral theses, as well as active participation in the master’s degree in Advanced Architectural Projects (MPAA) from the Laboratory and Criticism Workshop and coordinating numerous End of Master’s Projects.
Grupo de Crítica Arquitectónica, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
Educate architects in criterials to diferenciate what is good architecture and give them tools so they can develop and design good architecture.
Key activities:
Doctoral thesis courses at the university, articles in magazines, research on different fields of architecture and the city, etc.