The Official College of Architects of Málaga undertakes to arrange the necessary means to carry out transdisciplinary conversations, meetings and conferences, identify or initiate projects, practices or concepts that enact the principles of the NEB and share them with the public. The aim of this is to interact with citizens and institutions in experiences related to its principles, and implement the Spanish Urban Agenda, as well as the Law on Architecture and Quality in the Built Environment, and the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan.
Official College of Architects of Málaga.
The Official Association of Architects of Málaga is the professional organisation made up of the architects of the province of Málaga, created by Decree 100/2001, of 10 April 2001, by the Department of Justice and Public Administration of the Andalusian Regional Government as a Public Law Corporation, with its own legal personality and full capacity to act in order to fulfil its objectives.
Key activities:
The College ensures the ethics, training and organisation of the free exercise of the architectural profession, represents its interests and disseminates its projects, in the most modern fields of action of the profession, offering advanced alternatives of technology, information and exchange, compatible with the rest of the Associations in Andalusia and Spain, and with other Associations, Orders or Chambers of Architects all over the world.