The Atapuerca Foundation is a non-profit permanent institution, of a non-academic nature, whose objectives are to manage and to diseminate the resulting work from the archaeo-palaeo-anthropological sites of the Sierra de Atapuerca, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and to provide the necessary support to the Atapuerca Research Team.
Fundación Atapuerca.
The Atapuerca Foundation is a non-profit permanent institution, of a non-academic nature, whose objectives are to manage and to diseminate the resulting work from the archaeo-palaeo-anthropological sites of the Sierra de Atapuerca, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and to provide the necessary support to the Atapuerca Research Team.
Key activities:
- Management of guided tours to the archaeological sites.
- Management of the archaeological excavation campaign.
- Dissemination in social networks, in printed publications.
- Organisation of conferences, workshops, socialisation activities.